Monday, June 06, 2005

US court makes another dumb decision, the hazily medicated cry

it is now illegal even to smoke legal medicinal marijuana in the US, because there is no longer any medicinal marijuana in the US because their government is full of twatheads. this is the dumbest, most closed-minded scaredy-cat-we-need-something-useless-for-our-cops-to-do decision ever. soon gay sex will also be illegal (in every state-- not just Texas, Kansas, Oklahom and Missouri). they'll be sending anti-gay sqauds in to the dance clubs and bath houses and hair salons and bedrooms of america and busting gays for being gay because these p'lice are insecure and ignint and christian with their right wing flapping. holy fuck, this is warped. i can totally see (altho not endorse) the US simply never decriminalizing this sweet leaf, but making what has been fought hard in 10 states to be legal in special medical cases illegal is just crap. crap i say. get over yourselves. any americans who promised to move to canada after bush won and pussied out? come on over the border-- we have legal gay marriage, medicinal marijuana with regular mj soon to be decriminalized and lots and lots of friendly folks to bang and to smoke with.


lycradog said...

This is my favourite bit:

Justice Paul Stevens, who wrote the decision, said: "Our cases have taught us that there are some unscrupulous physicians who over-prescribe when it is sufficiently profitable to do so."

Now, aside from the fact that 'unscrupulous physicians' are not exactly the stuff drug empires arfe made of, how is it, following this logic, that anybody with a trigger finger can own a gun in the US of A? I mean, unscrupulous people shoot one another all the time down there, but handguns aren't illegal because of it...

lucifuge said...

and seriously, look what the physicians are doing for the effin' pharmaceutical companies: have a problem, well, uh, i'll just prescribe this to mask your symptoms. when the effect wears off, come back and i'll prescribe something else. i won't help you, i'll just cover you up with a nice drug blanket. i mean, seriously-- eat yourselves raw, Drs.