Tuesday, June 21, 2005

everybody defecates

my name has now been associated with diarrhea, i.e. "i have a case of the beanys" (wetsand, cred). last hallowe'en, it was suggested that perhaps i should dress up as a whoopie cushion (wetsand and crm, cred). my father cleverly gave me the acronym "bowel movement h_____." everyone always confesses nasty bathroom trips and accidentally shitting themselves to me because i should know all about it. ok, i have a bowel disease-- get over it. actually, i don't care. keep it coming. we've got to talk about our bowels. everybody defecates.


Joey Strange said...

i'm so open about talking about my bowel movements, it's not even funny!! nothing could shock me on the topic!! in fact, i enjoy talking about poop!

there's even a book we found in montreal called "everyone poops"...we almost bought it for you!

lucifuge said...

oh THAT book. yeah, i've seen the cover. it's bizarre because it has a pic of an apple, a goose, a person and a horse and i wonder why the apple is there unless it's just symbolizing food, but it's still bizarre.

hipskat said...

poopoo humour is much better than punpun humour

lucifuge said...

oftentimes, yeah.