could scarcely scrape myself out of bed this morn, feeling like the bottom of my ass. heavy inside, like active boulders of mucousy rusty fuckwads of acidic clay streams. it made an equal amount of sense as i felt it, trust me. drowsy, ne pas there, bluish grey. dropping bottles of vitamins all day. couldn't muster much that was funny. ate brown rice and my granola bars, which earned me many generous and excited compliments. questioned whether i could drag my body thru the nite, but the chewy bars kickstarted my heart and i immediatly grooved, grinned and gunned it around for a bit. made cocktails with fennel tea and vitamin c crystals. compared to this, lemons are as sour as salad rolls. took homeopathic china which allowed me to function outside of the ladies' room.
em and i surprised ourselves by getting out of our chairs and making it to the beat material show at the micmac native friendship centre. we have been attempting to go to lachey's show for a while now, but the wait was, as they say, well worth it. it was a playful, familial scene there. like every second person there (and the turnout was impressive) was someone who i had had an interaction with at some point, in some way. making a shirt for you and serving you mashed potatoes. you with a bowl cut playing cute keyboard songs and also playing with boy in other band. buying duct tape, air matresses and spraypaint from you. i know you, for real. and you, you care for my vegetables. buying nanaimo bars from you. you being 13 and skipping off from dad's store to protest the circus with us. you dropping vegan cookies off for us at the same circus protest. making us posters and selling us pens. selling you vitamins. making pins for, bringing them to my house. more of you, i forget how i know you. but i do. anyway, beat material were great to see. made me feel and want and move and art and rock. good gowan. choice venue-- all-ages, colourful, smily feel-- kids scurrying around, appropriate sound. makes me want to want to play. i wish something could make me do it, because i can't seem to.
on the walk home, we passed by a group of scruff young dudes in black t-shirts.
one: hello girls.
us: he-hey..
other: um, i believe it's pronounced "ladies."
us: hehaheha hehahehahehahehe!
bowels full of blood and rocks temporarily forgotten because of your blood and rock.
for that, merci.
p.s. i checked back on rupaul's blog, and here's what she wrote after visiting our city: "this past weekend, it was HALIFAX-NOVA SCOTIA, TORONTO and BOSTON. i had never been to HALIFAX and was very excited to finally go there. my mother's ancestors had come to ST. MARTINSVILLE, LOUISIANA from NOVA SCOTIA, so i'm glad i got see it. the people in CANADA are so lovely, i could live there in a heartbeat."
I was feeling antisocial at the beat material show. I saw you go over and say hi to KC, but I didn't feel like getting off my chair.
that's quite all right. i feel antisocial more often than not. i'll talk to you whenever we feel like talking. until then: do it riggght up.
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