Monday, August 15, 2005

an open letter to blog comment spammers

dear blog comment spammer,
why oh why are you so desperate? what makes you think that i or my readers want to know about loans or the timber industry or "great" websites? has it not occurred to you that now i'd be less likely to check it out, just like when those shit scooters zip around the city and park for hours for no reason with some stupidass cellphone ad being hauled behind it in a trailer?. d'you really think... oh never mind! you obviously have no idea. but just so you know, i'll get right on it and delete every one of your comments-- whether you promise to add me to your favoUrites or not. and i won't sink to your level and try to advertise my ass on your shitty blog. but seriously: who wants to read a blog about loans? not to toot my own horn, but i can guarantee that even my dullest entry is more exciting than a blog about loans. or the timber industry. or.... i'm getting carried away. just stop spamming: it's desperate and impolite. eff off. go to hell and die.


kevimkujik said...

nice one beany. great post. take that spam pimps! they seem to like your blog beany.

kevimkujik said...

p.s. nice fetus

lucifuge said...

thanks. you too can have your own random fetus. fetuses available to all: hooray fetus!