Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Numero 3: Third Time's a Charm

my third blog.
fuck knows where the hell the other 2 are. i don't even know what they were about.
i figure i've been keeping paper journals for more than 11 years, I guess I could peck something out here every few days.
altho I am pretty lazy avec computer.
paper's more romantic.
or something.
i had to return from mason's beach today. it hurt so much. it's so rad to just be there and not have to repond to anything. just hung out with my family (including puppy) and altered my consciousness with my cool bro. for three days straight. tide. rain. raisin bread. wicked. i can't believe i didn't even bother to go swimming.
now i'm back to 'fax (remember mc j and cool g?-- i, barely). all's ok here.
after taking acadian lines for three hours (and talking to a guy the WHOLE WAY HOME even tho he said he'd be quiet-- he's the guy whose girlfriend's brother was the guy who was killed by those three doughholes in a bedford bar on the weekend. rick-- a fundraising coordinator for opportinuites new brunswick. we shot the shit and did 2 crosswaord puzzles together. i was gonna read CanLit and he a novel from the vampire's perspective but put them away and basked in the beauty of human experience instead ) and with nothing in my fridge or gut, i went for sushi at andy's. it was exactly that i needed in my maw. emily was there, which was amazing. altho i was prepared to eat alone, it was cool to see my roomie there. but it was best that she had alrerady finished eating her eel when i sat down.
we got shitty carob desserts from heartwood. we are so boycotting that place until it ceases to bore us.
we could bake better with our tits.
lots of stories because i'd been gone since sunday, and the weekend went quickly with greg being home and me working and us going to liverpool, and chris's birthday and him being too pooped to stay up. i was in liverpool on saturday. a good time. lingley was pretty pumped for me to be there with him. i saw joe whitty in his doorway telling a sports team to fuck off, that he didn't want to buy their jesus chocolate bars. magical. emily made chris a cool cake and he came over at 2 to eat it. it was smart for my blood sygar levels to eat cake at 2 am. nice sugar hangover for work the next morn. should've mad miso soup. didn't.
i saw my first webcam tonight.-- an ex boyfriend on a webcam even. wacky. i was at his wedding. with my then boyfriend, now ex. yikes. when will i go to his wedding to his friend's ex with my current boyfriend? when he go to our weddding with his wife....? .. never. cause we won't damn have one.
tonight em and i went thru our bounty of expired homeopathics, deefed, drank tea (fennel for her, chamomile for me) and watched Return to Me-- another attempt by my beloved David Duchovny to prove that he shouldn't be typecast as geeky and sexy Mulder. Guess what? He is Mulder and sucks at everything else I've seen him do. Emily (predicatably) fell asleep. We were brushing our teeth when Marzipan came a knockin'. He was tired and laid his head down on my table and mumbled, but then came alive when showing me Alden, his shiny new ipod. it takes me 40 minutes to download a song, so I haven't bothered since Lars Ulrich kicked me off Napster 4 years ago. then he left and i was gonna go to bed and i haven't yet. and it's been two and a half hours.
i ate all my chocolate discs (70% cocoa-- which is too strong for my bowels, but I was excited so i ate them all anyway.. will pay). there is like a teaspoon of reverse osmosis water in the house. the morning will suck because we'll have to get up and get more for our mouth-deserts.
well, i guess i'm off to dream about more composites of friends with their hands down my pants (like I drempt last night).
hotness squared.

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