i'm sneezing. my urethra is stinging. i'm drinking dandelion tea. i've taken lots of supplements. nothing is soothing except for touching myself, and then it gets worse when i stop. pretty. fucking. annoying. first i'm chilled. now i'm sweating. i actually started off to work this morning and got half way across the commons, only stopping to punch myself in a the vag a couple of times. i was wearing a pretty velvet and lace skirt, knee high socks and mary janes. i dressed cute because i felt horrific. such is what i do. after much i came home, called in late and thought i'd draw myself a vinegary bath, but my tub is vile. the fucker won't drain. so here i sit, having just deliberated over calling in sick. figured i might as well, as i generally have too much pride to call in sick because i like to be strong, despite a bowel disease. i realize i have sick days and i've worked when feeling moribund and the company profits from my pride, so today i say fuck that noise-- i'm staying home to nurse my rampant and forceful sneezing, burning urethra and alternating chills and hots. the best part is, my manager, who does read my blog, lost her internet connection, so she won't see this until way later. har.