Friday, March 04, 2005

dear readers

dear readers,

i haven't been writing with your desired frequency. i'm sure i'm sorry. everything lately seems to be intensely personal or tragically boring. since my most likely temporary decision to not give so much away about myself (as i always receive much less from most of you), there's not so much to go on about. bro and i always have each other for this. the most mundane or depressing or exciting thought we promise ourselves not to bother to tell the other-- but it's impossible. it gives us the most pefect comfort to drop the basket or bomb as soon as we step over the threshold. so i haven't been saying much lately. someone picked up on this while wishing i blogged more. she said, "yeah i know she's okay-- this is how she was last summer." blush.

whoa, consider my life last year at this time: my job, house, roommates, cashflow, my relationships--both romantic and otherwise were different than they are now. this is so fucked in the face. but the best part (not my favourite part, which is thankfully shrinking) is: i'm way more content. life is often rad. darkness still swoops down, but i would never ask it to not. it is my pocketsleeve (kind of like panty bundler), my geminian other half.


ling-ling san said...

panty bundler. what an unusual comment

Joey Strange said...

writing must be in the hunsley blood, cause i've said it before and i'll say it again; just how fond of your style i am! (i can even rhyme at 8am!!)
i find it to be almost dream-like, mostly in the way it flows, jam-packed with metaphors, and half-thought inserts!


lucifuge said...

ling-ling san: yeah, kind of unusual, but mostly totally fabricated.

lil' j: thanks/merci. aw. blood. nice.